Civil third party liability insurance for motor vehicle

Civil third party liability insurance for motor vehicle

Civil third party liability insurance for motor vehicle is a type of insurance that protects a third party when there is an accident causing damage to the material of the vehicle, goods transported on the vehicle, or passengers on the vehicle. That is, if the car owner buys compulsory accident insurance for another person, the...

Subsidy insurance for phone packages

Subsidy insurance for phone packages

Subsidy insurance for phone packages, a term quite strange in the Vietnamese market, however, it is quite popular in the world. Basically, the network when want to diversify products and services, expand capacity to meet the needs of customer care. They need a solution to be able to sell to the customer the package that...

Making Extra Cash

Making Extra Cash

35 ways to make more money! Things that require more effort — but pay off over time 1. Ask for a raise A lot of people are afraid of asking for a raise at work, but when you think about it — worst case your boss says no, best case your boss says yes! However, you need...

Secure Your Future

Secure Your Future

Over the last five years, I’ve spent a lot of time traveling the world to talk to people about money. At least one common theme comes up again and again: anxiety. People are worried about the future and want to know what they can do to prepare themselves for a stable financial life.

5 Tips For Saving Money

5 Tips For Saving Money

The first step you need to take is to draw up a budget, and then stick to it. Not only does this help you to work out how much disposable income you have available, it also helps you to track where and on what your money is spent. This makes you aware of unnecessary spending and will assist you to eliminate some or most of it.

How to Create a Family Budget

How to Create a Family Budget

With all the demands of running a family, it's hard to find time to make a household budget -- especially if the amount of money left at the end of the month is less than you want. It's important to look household finances squarely in the eye, because that's the only way to control them; otherwise, they control you.

5 Tips to get a Loan

5 Tips to get a Loan

When an application for credit is rejected it can be a frustrating, stressful, and even an upsetting time.

While no credit provider – even the ones that offer “pre-approval” promotions – can tell you before you apply whether you will be successful, we can help you to understand the degree to which your personal loan application is likely to succeed.

Cash Loans for Students

Cash Loans for Students

If you're studying, taking a personal bank loan on top of your student loans should not be undertaken lightly, but it may be an option to consider.

Fast Money Loans

Fast Money Loans

When you are in need of a quick cash loan, then you want to find a website that will help you get that loan quickly and easily, and here we are. When a situation occurs that makes it to where you need cash in your hands immediately, we are the place to turn. You need to only fill out the online form, and we will then match up your needs with the different online financial lenders that we work with.

Cash Loans for Seniors

Cash Loans for Seniors

Saving up for retirement is hard. How much do you save? What is the economy going to be like ten years after you stop working? Will your money be worth the same amount? How long are you going to live? No one likes thinking about these mind-boggling questions and no one has a definite answer. That’s why many members of our elder generation are finding themselves in financial trouble.